Urs Schnell
Founding partner
us (at) doklab.com
In 2006, Urs Schnell founded the production company DokLab GmbH together with Dodo Hunziker and worked for the company as a director/producer for non-fiction films until 2019. He is an award-winning Swiss director/producer of non-fiction films. His feature length documentary BOTTLED LIFE (2012) has won several prizes worldwide and is still regularly screening on TV today. In 1981, he co-founded the private local radio Förderband. From 1993, he worked for Swiss television and as a freelance journalist and filmmaker in St. Petersburg, Paris and Barcelona, before he realized and produced feature films.
Ostrov – Lost Island feature documentary, 92 min.
Hot Docs 2021 Best International Feature, Moscou Artfilm Festival (Best International Feature), Guanajuato Filmfestival Mexiko (Best International Feature), El Gouna Film Festival Egypt (Silver Star and Humanity Award), Locarno Film Festival (Panorama Selection), Visions du Réel (International Selection)
To the End of Dreams feature documentary CH, HD/2K
SUISA Film Music Award 2017, Nomination Prix du Public Solothurn Film Festival 2018, DOK.fest Munich International Competition 2018
Bottled Life - Nestlé's Business with Water Documentary, HDCam, 90 min.
Herbert Quant Award Bad Homburg Germany, GreenMe Award Berlin (Best Feature Documentary), Chicago International Film Festival TV Awards (Silver Plaque Doc Science&Nature), New York Festivals TV & Films (Silver World Medal Environment & Ecology)
Director, Co-Author, Executive Producer
Writer, Director
L’Homme Empereur Documentary DigiBeta 4:3, France
Director, Co-Author
The Penguinman Documentary
Solothurner Filmfestival (Best of Dok SF), Festival du Film d’Environnement Paris
Director, Author
Protsess idiot – young people in St. Petersburg Short Docu
Director, Author
Liederliche Nächte – Impressionen von den Berner Songtagen Documentary Beta SP, 30 Min.
Spurensuche im Altaj Documented Journey Beta SP, 30 Min.
Kopfvoran – Aus der Geschichte eines etwas anderen Lokalradios. Buch Verlag Maxmedia, Bern
Inselträume – Literatur aus der Südsee. Buch In: drehpunkt. Die Schweizer Literaturzeitschrift. Lenos Verlag, Basel
Grössere Publikationen für Berner Zeitung, Tages-Anzeiger, Weltwoche, Cash, Facts, Der Bund
Lost African can’t swim TV-Story
Der Einsiedler vom Frutigtal TV-Story
La Diréctrice Nestlé TV-Story
Bertarellis Schiffbruch TV-Story
Der Versicherungsverkäufer TV-Story
Die Arbeits-Helden aus dem Eggiwil TV-Story
Die Rückkehr des Daniel Cohn-Bendit TV-Story
Korsika brennt TV-Story
Gay Pride im Aprikosenland TV-Story